
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Difference Between FileSystemStores in Liferay 6.1

Liferay 6.1 introduces a new Documents and Media Library which is capable of mounting several repositories at a time and presenting a unified interface to the user. By default, users can make use of the Liferay repository, which is already mounted. This repository is built into Liferay Portal and can use as its back-end one of several different store implementations. In addition to this, many different kinds of third party repositories can be mounted. If you have a separate repository you’ve mounted, all nodes of the cluster will point to this repository. Your avenue for improving performance at that point is to cluster your third party repository, using the documentation for the repository you have chosen. If you don’t have a third party repository, there are ways you can configure the Liferay repository to perform well in a clustered configuration.
The main thing to keep in mind is you need to make sure every node of the cluster has the same access to the file store as every other node. For this reason, you’ll need to take a look at your store configuration.
There are several options available for configuring how Liferay’s Documents and Media library stores files. Each option is a store which can be configured through the file by setting the property. Let’s consider the ramifications of the various store options.

Using the File System store

This is the default store. It’s a simple file storage implementation that uses a local folder to store files. You can use the file system for your clustered configuration, but you’d have to make sure the folder to which you point the store can handle things like concurrent requests and file locking. For this reason, you need to use a Storage Area Network or a clustered file system.
The file system store was the first store created for Liferay and is heavily bound to the Liferay database. By default, documents are stored in a document_library subfolder of the data folder in a Liferay bundle. Of course, you can change this path to anything you want by using the property.
This store creates a folder structure based on primary keys in the Liferay database. If, for example, you upload a presentation with the file name workflow.odp into a folder called stuff, the file system store creates a folder structure which looks like figure 19.3.
Figure 19.3: Liferay’s file system store creates a folder structure based on primary keys in Liferay’s database.
The first folder is the company ID to which the site belongs. The second folder is the group ID of the site where the document resides. The third is the ID of the document itself, and finally the file name of the document is renamed to a version number for storing multiple versions of the document.
As you can see, this binds your documents very closely to Liferay, and may not be exactly what you want. But if you’ve been using the default settings for a while and need to migrate your documents, Liferay provides a migration utility in the control panel in Server Administration → Data Migration. Using this utility, you can move your documents very easily from one store implementation to another.
Speaking of other store implementations, let’s look at some others Liferay provides.

Using the Advanced File System store

Liferay’s advanced file system store is similar to the default file system store. Like that store, it saves files to the local file system–which, of course, could be a remote file system mount. It uses a slightly different folder structure to store files, which is pictured below.
Figure 19.4: The advanced file system store creates a more nested folder structure than the file system store.
So what makes the advanced file system store advanced? Several operating systems have limitations on the number of files which can be stored in a particular folder. The advanced file system store overcomes this limitation by programmatically creating a structure that can expand to millions of files, by alphabetically nesting the files in folders. This not only allows for more files to be stored, but also improves performance as there are less files stored per folder.
The same rules apply to the advanced file system store as apply to the default file system store. To cluster this, you’ll need to point the store to a network mounted file system that all the nodes can access, and that networked file system needs to support concurrent requests and file locking. Otherwise, you may experience data corruption issues if two users attempt from two different nodes to write to the same file at the same time.
You may decide the advanced file system store for whatever reason doesn’t serve your needs. If this is the case, you can of course mount other file systems into the documents and media library. In addition to this, you can also redefine the Liferay store to use one of three other supported protocols. We’ll look at these next.

Using the CMIS store

Though you can mount as many different CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) repositories as you like in the documents and media library, you may wish also to redefine the Liferay repository to point to a CMIS repository as well. Why? Because, as you know, users are users, and it’s possible they may find a way to create a folder or upload content to the Liferay repository. It would be nice if that Liferay repository was connected to a clustered CMIS repository by the administrator without having to mount it through the UI. The CMIS store allows you to do just that.
If you wish to use the CMIS store, all you need to do is set the following four directives in your portal-ext.propertiesfile: Home 
Now the Liferay repository is connected to CMIS via the CMIS store. As long as all nodes are pointing to your CMIS repository, everything in your Liferay cluster should be fine, as the CMIS protocol prevents multiple simultaneous file access from causing data corruption.
From here, we’ll move on to the JCR store.

Using the JCR store

Liferay Portal supports as a store the Java Content Repository standard. Under the hood, Liferay uses Jackrabbit—-which is a project from Apache-—as its JSR-170 compliant document repository. By default, Jackrabbit is configured to store the documents on the local file system upon which Liferay is installed, in the [Liferay Home]/liferay/jackrabbitfolder. Inside this folder is Jackrabbit’s configuration file, called repository.xml.
Using the default settings, the JCR store is not very different from the file system stores, except you can use any JCR client to access the files. You can, however, modify Jackrabbit’s configuration so it stores files in a database that can be accessed by all nodes, and so that it operates as a cluster within Liferay’s cluster.
To move the default repository location to a shared folder, you do not need to edit Jackrabbit’s configuration file. Instead, find the section in labeled JCR and copy/paste that section into your file. One of the properties, by default, is the following:
Change this property to point to a shared folder that all the nodes can see. A new Jackrabbit configuration file is then generated in that location, and you’ll have to edit that file to modify Jackrabbit’s configuration.
Note that because of file locking issues, this isn’t the best way to share Jackrabbit resources, unless you’re using a networked file system that can handle concurrency and file locking. If you have two people logged in at the same time uploading content, you could encounter data corruption using this method, and because of this, we don’t recommend it for a production system. Instead, if you want to use the Java Content Repository in a cluster, you should redirect Jackrabbit into your database of choice. You can use the Liferay database or another database for this purpose. This requires editing Jackrabbit’s configuration file.
The default Jackrabbit configuration file has sections commented out for moving the Jackrabbit configuration into the database. This has been done to make it as easy as possible to enable this configuration. To move the Jackrabbit configuration into the database, simply comment out the sections relating to the file system and comment in the sections relating to the database. These by default are configured for a MySQL database. If you are using another database, you will likely need to modify the configuration, as there are changes to the configuration file that are necessary for specific databases. For example, the default configuration uses Jackrabbit’s DbFileSystem class to mimic a file system in the database. While this works well in MySQL, it doesn’t work for all databases. For example, if you’re using an Oracle database, you’ll need to modify this to use OracleFileSystem.
Modify the JDBC database URLs so they point to your database. This, of course, must be done on all nodes of the cluster. Don’t forget to create the database first, and grant the user ID you are specifying in the configuration file access to create, modify, and drop tables. After this, be sure to uncomment the <Cluster/> section at the bottom of the file. For further information, it’s best to check out the Jackrabbit documentation. Please see the Jackrabbit documentation at for further information.
Once you’ve configured Jackrabbit to store its repository in a database, the next time you bring up Liferay, the necessary database tables are created automatically. Jackrabbit, however, does not create indexes on these tables, and so over time this can be a performance penalty. To fix this, you’ll need to manually go into your database and index the primary key columns for all the Jackrabbit tables.
Note that this configuration doesn’t perform as well as the advanced file system store, because you’re storing documents in a database instead of in the file system. But it does have the benefit of clustering well. Next, we’ll look at Amazon’s S3 store.
Using Amazon Simple Storage Service
Amazon’s simple storage service (S3) is a cloud-based storage solution which you can use with Liferay. All you need is an account, and you can store your documents to the cloud from all nodes, seamlessly.
This is easy to set up. When you sign up for the service, Amazon assigns you some unique keys which link you to your account. In Amazon’s interface, you can create “buckets” of data optimized by region. Once you’ve created these to your specifications, all you need to do is declare them in 
Once you have these configured, set your store implementation to the S3Store: 
Consult the Amazon Simple Storage documentation for additional details on using Amazon’s service.
We have one more store to go over: the Documentum store. But it is available on only Liferay EE version...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Creating Roles in Liferay with

Need of user role is a very common in live scenario. One way is quite easy, just sign in as administrator, go to control panel and add one. But there is a drawback of this approach. If you are working on staging environment, you have to create this role in production environment when the code is deployed there. It means this is database specific and it will not move to production when the build is deployed on the server.

Liferay has provided us a better solution for the same. We can create role by using certain properties in file. We have to add the following properties in our portal-ext properties file.
system.role.RoleA.description=This is Role A description.
system.role.RoleB.description=This is Role B description.
Just restart the box after adding them, and go to the Roles section in Control Panel, you will be able to see both the roles added there.

Now if we want to access these roles in our code programmatically because this is basic need of creating role. So it can be done as following:
Role roleA = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(companyId, "RoleA");
for (long userId : UserLocalServiceUtil.getRoleUserIds(roleA.getRoleId())) {
//some custom code for role users
For getting users we can use the following methods:
List<user> UserLocalServiceUtil.getRoleUsers(long roleId);
Some other properties of that you can work on are:
Hope this will be helpful.

Refernce Link

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Differences of Portlet and Servlet

There are so many things which are very clear and understood but if someone ask, it become difficult to explain them in deep. The topic I am going to write today, is something like that. Hope, you'll enjoy reading it, as I am going to write this time full on text, no practical implementation.

The contents of servlets provide generally takes up the whole page in a browser (if you are not framing them), and portlets content are wrapped in a window and we can place multiple portlets on same page with one another and each can provide different content and functionality. A portlet behaves like a full fledged application. The portal can provide some house keeping functionality and secured single point of entries to all of the portlets on a page. 

lets see first some differences among portlets and servlets
  1. Servlets can provide complete web pages, whereas portlets only provide fragments. These fragments are then aggregated to form a complete web page by the portal.
  2. Portlets aren't allowed to generated HTML code that contains tags such as base, body, frame, frameset, head, html, or title. The iframe tag can be used with caution.
  3. The user cannot access a portlet directly using a URL in the way that a servlet is accessed. Instead, the URL points to the page containing all of the portlets on one page.
  4. Communication between the web client and the portlets is performed through the portal.
  5. Portlets can be provided with buttons or controls to manipulate the portlet's window states or portlet modes. 
  6. Multiple instances of a single portlet can be placed onto the same page.
  7. Portlets support persistent configuration and customization.
  8. Portlets also support user profile information.
  9. Portlets support two scopes within the session; application scope and portlet scope .
Here are some similarities
  1. Servlets and portlets are web based components that utilize Java for their implementation.
  2. Portlets are managed by a portlet container similar to a servlet container.
  3. Both of these components generate content, which can be static or dynamic.
  4. Both portlets and servlets have a lifecycle that is controlled by the container.
  5. The client/server model is used for both servlets and portlets.
  6. The packaging and deployment are essentially the same.
  7. The manner in which the classes are loaded and the class loaders that perform the work are also the same.
  8. Lifecycle management is similar.
  9. The Request and Response semantics are also similar.
Advantage of Servlets over portlets-
  1. Portlet aren't allowed to set the character set encoding of the response.
  2. Portlet also aren't allowed to set the HTTP headers on the response.
  3. Portlet cannot manipulate the URL of the client request to the portal.
Advantage of Portlets over Servlets-

  1. Portlet Modes :  Each portlet has a current mode, which indicates the function the portlet is performing.
  2. All JSR 168 compliant portals should support the View, Edit and Help modes.
  3. Window States :Window states indicate the amount of portal page space that will be assigned to a portlet.
  4. Portlet Preferences :Portlets can be configured to provide a custom view or behavior for different users.

Available implicit objects Liferay JSP page

On a normal JSP page, some objects are implicitly available. In addition, we can get several others in Liferay using the taglibs. But we don't know all. So, lets become a technical James Bond and investigate about it. :D

Lets see about normal JSP first:
These objects are created by the container automatically and the container makes them available to us. Since these objects are created automatically by the container and are accessed using standard variables; and that is why, they are called implicit objects. They are parsed by the container. They are available only within the jspService method and not in any declaration.

These are 9 objects.
request        (javax.servlet.ServletRequest)
response       (javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
out            (javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter)
pageContext    (javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)
session        (javax.servlet.http.HttpS)
application    (javax.servlet.ServletContext)
config         (javax.servlet.ServletConfig)
page           (java.lang.Object)
exception      (java.lang.Throwable)
Now, lets ebter the liferay context:

The following statements  will give 14 default objects :
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />
actionRequest                 (javax.portlet.ActionRequest)
actionResponse                (javax.portlet.ActionResponse)
eventRequest                  (javax.portlet.EventRequest)
eventResponse,                (javax.portlet.EventResponse)
portletConfig,                (javax.portlet.PortletConfig)
portletName,                  (java.lang.String portletName ;
portletPreferences,           (javax.portlet.PortletPreferences)
portletPreferencesValues,     (java.util.Map)
portletSession,               (javax.portlet.PortletSession)
portletSessionScope,          (java.util.Map)
renderRequest,                (javax.portlet.RenderRequest)
renderResponse,               (javax.portlet.RenderResponse)
resourceRequest,              (javax.portlet.ResourceRequest)
resourceResponse              (javax.portlet.ResourceResponse)
And the following statements will give 18 default objects :
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme" %>
<liferay-theme:defineObjects />
and the type of each object as follows :
themeDisplay             (com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay)
company                  (com.liferay.portal.model.Company)
account                  (com.liferay.portal.model.Account)
user                     (com.liferay.portal.model.User)
realUser                 (com.liferay.portal.model.User)
contact                  (com.liferay.portal.model.Contact)
layout                   (com.liferay.portal.model.Layout)
layouts                  (java.util.List)
plid                     (java.lang.Long)
layoutTypePortlet        (com.liferay.portal.model.LayoutTypePortlet)
scopeGroupId             (java.lang.Long)
permissionChecker        (
locale                   (java.util.Locale)
timeZone                 (java.util.TimeZone)
theme                    (com.liferay.portal.model.Theme)
colorScheme              (com.liferay.portal.model.ColorScheme)
portletDisplay           (com.liferay.portal.theme.PortletDisplay)
portletGroupId           (java.lang.Long)
These default objects can be acquired using pageContext which is an implicit object of JSP. Use the following code for getting default objects.

ActionRequest actionRequest = (ActionRequest) pageContext.findAttribute("actionRequest");